✔️ Doświadczenie w sektorze publicznym, telekom, TV, logistyka, bank.
✔️ Analiza biznesowa i modelowanie w BPMN.
✔️ Praktyczne i teoretyczne umiejętności zarządzania, potwierdzone studiami oraz certyfikatami Prince2, PMI, Six Sigma oraz Scrum .
✔️ Prowadzeniu szkoleń z systemów i prezentacji biznesowych.
✔️ Koordynowanie projektów i prowadzenie grupy roboczej.
Licencje i certyfikaty
- Master Digital Transformation
- Building Generative AI Skills for Business Professionals
- Enterprise Architecture in Practice
- Get Ahead in Business Analytics and Analysis
- Introduction to IT Architecture
- Develop Your Skills as a Software Project Manager
- Develop Your Skills in Agile Software Development
- Advance Your Business Analytics Skills
- Become a Six Sigma Green Belt
- Career Essentials in Business Analysis by Microsoft and LinkedIn
- Essential New Skills in Project Management
- Improve Your Problem-Solving
- Decision-Making Strategies
- Modelowanie procesów biznesowych w UML i BPMN przy użyciu narzędzia Enterprise Architect
- Become an Agile Project Manager
- Improve Your Business Analysis Skills
- Become a Business Analyst
- Become a Leader People Love
- Become a Project Manager
- Become a Six Sigma Yellow Belt
- Develop Your Skills as a New or Emerging People Leader
- Project Management Foundations
- Prince2 FoundationAPMG-International